The Benefits Of Using Training Pads For Dogs

Simple Solution Premium Dog and Puppy Training Pads Pack of 14
Simple Solution Premium Dog and Puppy Training Pads Pack of 14 from

What are Training Pads?

Training pads are also known as puppy pads, provide a great way to help house train your pup. Training pads are made of a special absorbent material that quickly soaks up liquid, making them an ideal choice for puppies who are housebreaking. Most training pads are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and come with a plastic backing to stop any leaks. Training pads also come with a special odor-control material that helps to reduce the smell of urine. Training pads are also great for elderly dogs or those with incontinence issues.

The Benefits of Using Training Pads

Training pads have become an increasingly popular choice for puppy owners as they provide an easy and effective way to train puppies. Training pads are easy to set up, are usually low cost, and can be used anywhere in the house. By using a training pad, puppies will learn quickly where to go for toilet breaks, making housebreaking much easier. Training pads also save time, as you will not have to constantly clean up any messes or have to take your puppy outside for toilet breaks. Training pads also provide a convenient way to keep your puppy occupied while you are away from home.

How to Use Training Pads

When using training pads, it is important to ensure that you place them in a designated area within your home. This will help to ensure that your puppy knows where to go for toilet breaks. It is also important to ensure that you use the right size of training pad for your pup. If your training pad is too small, your pup may not be able to move around easily and may not be able to use the toilet properly. It is also important to ensure that you change the training pads regularly to avoid any messes or odors.

Tips for Using Training Pads

When using training pads, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to make sure that you place the training pad in an area that is easily accessible to your puppy. It should also be placed in an area that is away from your puppy’s bed or play area, as this will help to ensure that your puppy does not become confused about where it should go for toilet breaks. Secondly, it is important to ensure that you use the right size of training pad for your pup, as a pad that is too small may not be able to be used properly. Lastly, it is important to ensure that you change the training pad regularly to avoid any messes or odors.

When to Stop Using Training Pads

Once your puppy is housebroken, it is important to stop using training pads. This is because using training pads for long periods of time may make your puppy become reliant on them and may make it harder for them to learn how to use the toilet properly. When you are ready to move away from using training pads, it is important to ensure that you do so gradually. This can be done by gradually reducing the number of times that you use the training pad until your pup has learnt to use the toilet properly.


Training pads are a great way to help house train your pup and can provide a convenient way to keep your puppy occupied while you are away from home. However, it is important to ensure that you use the right size of training pad for your pup and to make sure that you change the training pad regularly to avoid any messes or odors. Once your pup has been housebroken, it is important to stop using training pads gradually to ensure that your pup does not become reliant on them.
