How To Potty Train An Older Dog In 2023

Potty Training Tips For Puppies And older Dogs (HOWTO GUIDE) Dog
Potty Training Tips For Puppies And older Dogs (HOWTO GUIDE) Dog from


Potty training an older dog can be a daunting task for any pet owner. It is especially difficult for a pet owner that has just recently adopted an older dog. But with patience, persistence, and a little bit of know-how, potty training an older dog is entirely possible. This article will provide tips and tricks on how to potty train an older dog in the year 2023.

Set a Routine

One of the most important aspects of potty training an older dog is to set a routine. Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive off of a routine. Setting a routine for your dog will make potty training easier, as your dog will begin to recognize when it is time to go to the bathroom. Take your dog out to the same spot at the same time each day. For example, you can choose to take your dog out to potty in the morning before breakfast, in the afternoon before dinner, and before bed. It is also important to take your dog out after they have eaten or drank anything, as this will help them associate the need to use the bathroom with going outside.

Create a Positive Environment

When potty training an older dog, it is important to create a positive environment. Praising your dog for going to the bathroom in the right spot is essential for success. When your dog does something correctly, be sure to give them a reward. This can be a treat, a toy, or even verbal praise. By creating a positive environment, your dog will be more likely to want to do the right thing and will be more motivated to learn.

Designate a Potty Spot

Designating a potty spot is another important step when potty training an older dog. It is important to choose a spot that is not too close to the house so that your dog will not feel inclined to go to the bathroom inside the house. You can choose a spot in the backyard or in a nearby park. Once you have chosen a spot, take your dog to that spot each time they need to go to the bathroom. This will help them to associate that spot with going to the bathroom.

Be Patient

Most importantly, it is important to be patient when potty training an older dog. It can take some time for an older dog to learn and adjust to a new routine. Accidents are likely, so it is important to remain patient and understanding with your dog. If accidents occur, it is important to not punish your dog. This could cause your dog to become fearful and may even make potty training more difficult. Instead, calmly take your dog to the designated potty spot and reward them for going to the bathroom in the right spot.

Keep an Eye Out for Signs

In addition to setting a routine, it is important to keep an eye out for signs that your dog needs to go to the bathroom. For example, your dog may begin to sniff around or start to circle. When you notice these signs, take your dog outside to the designated spot. This will help your dog learn that these signs indicate that it is time to go to the bathroom.

Clean Up Accidents Immediately

If accidents occur in the house, it is important to clean up the mess immediately. Dogs have a strong sense of smell and can be drawn to the same spot if it is not cleaned up quickly. Be sure to use an enzymatic cleaner that is designed to remove pet odors and stains. This will help to get rid of the smell completely and make it less likely that your dog will want to go to the bathroom in the same spot.

Train for the Long-Term

When potty training an older dog, it is important to train for the long-term. This means that it is important to keep up with the routine and maintain consistency. If your dog is not getting the hang of potty training, it is important to remain patient and to seek out help from a professional if needed. Additionally, it is important to keep up with regular vet visits to ensure that your dog is healthy and that any medical issues are addressed.


Potty training an older dog can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With patience, consistency, and a positive environment, your dog can learn to use the bathroom in the right spot. Be sure to create a routine and designate a potty spot, as well as keep an eye out for signs that your dog needs to go to the bathroom. Lastly, it is important to clean up accidents right away and to seek out help if needed. With these tips in mind, you are well on your way to successfully potty training your older dog in 2023.
