Potty Training Your Toddler: How To Make A Potty Training Schedule

2 Day Potty Training Schedule For Your 18 month Old
2 Day Potty Training Schedule For Your 18 month Old from www.youngmommaslife.com

Potty training your toddler can be a difficult and often lengthy process. It is important to be patient and consistent with your child as they learn how to use the toilet, and one of the best ways to do this is to create a potty training schedule. Having a regular routine and a schedule to follow will help both you and your child know what to expect, and it can make the process easier and more successful.

Why Have a Potty Training Schedule?

A potty training schedule can help your toddler learn the right times to use the toilet, and it can also help you keep track of when they had their last trip and when they will need to go again. A schedule can help your child establish a routine and a sense of predictability, which can make them feel more comfortable and relaxed. It is also a great opportunity to teach your child about the importance of good hygiene and staying clean.

Creating a Potty Training Schedule

When creating a potty training schedule for your toddler, there are a few things to consider. First, you need to think about the different times of day that your child will need to use the toilet. This can include mornings before breakfast, after naps, after meals, and before bedtime. It is also important to take into account any activities that your child will be doing throughout the day and the amount of water or other liquids they will be consuming.

Once you have figured out the different times of day that your child will need to use the toilet, you can start to create the potty training schedule. Make sure to include regular reminders and breaks throughout the day so that your child knows when it’s time to use the toilet. You should also encourage your toddler to try to use the bathroom at regular intervals, such as every two or three hours.

Making the Potty Training Schedule Fun and Engaging

Making potty training fun and engaging is a great way to keep your toddler interested in the process. You can create a chart with stickers or other fun visuals to help your child track their progress. You can also reward them with small treats, such as stickers or new books, when they use the toilet successfully. This can help motivate them to keep going and can make the process more enjoyable.

Sticking to the Potty Training Schedule

It is important to be consistent and stick to the potty training schedule that you have created. Try to avoid skipping trips to the bathroom or pushing them off until later. Doing this can make your child feel frustrated and confused, and it can also make the process take longer. It is also important to be patient and understanding with your child. They are learning a new skill and it can take time.

Potty Training Tips

When potty training your toddler, there are a few other tips to keep in mind. Encourage your child to sit on the toilet for a few minutes every time they go. This will help them become more comfortable with the process and can make it easier for them to relax. You can also have your child practice sitting on their potty chair several times a day, even if they don’t need to use it. This will help them become more familiar with the process.

If your child has accidents, don’t scold them or make them feel bad. Instead, remind them of the potty training schedule and encourage them to try again. It is important to be positive and patient with your child during the process.

Dealing With Setbacks

Even with a potty training schedule, there may be times when your toddler has accidents or refuses to use the toilet. This is normal and should be expected. If your child has an accident, don’t scold them or make them feel bad. Instead, remind them of the potty training schedule and encourage them to try again.

If your child refuses to use the toilet, try to figure out why. It could be that they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed. If this is the case, try to make the process more fun and engaging. You can also try to break up the potty training sessions into smaller, more manageable chunks.


Creating a potty training schedule can be a great way to help your toddler learn to use the toilet. A regular routine and a schedule to follow can help both you and your child know what to expect, and it can make the process easier and more successful. Be patient and consistent with your child, and remember to make the process fun and engaging. With a little bit of time and effort, your toddler will soon be potty trained.
