Potty Training Your 8 Week Old Puppy: What You Need To Know

Shih Tzu 8 weeks old puppy Potty Training YouTube
Shih Tzu 8 weeks old puppy Potty Training YouTube from www.youtube.com

Why Potty Training is Important

Potty training your 8 week old puppy is an important part of early puppyhood and should be started as soon as possible. Potty training your puppy is important for a number of reasons. First, it will help your puppy learn how to control their bladder and bowel movements and reduce potential accidents in the house. Second, it will help your puppy learn to recognize the signs that they need to go to the bathroom, such as sniffing around or circling. Third, it will help your puppy learn to be more independent and confident. Finally, potty training your puppy will help you bond with them and promote a closer relationship.

Creating a Potty Training Schedule

Creating a potty training schedule for your 8 week old puppy is the best way to ensure that your puppy is consistently learning and reinforcing the potty training lessons. Start by creating a schedule that outlines when your puppy should be taken outside to go to the bathroom. Puppies should be taken outside to go to the bathroom every hour or two, as well as after meals, after naps, and after playing. If your puppy has an accident in the house, take them outside immediately and reward them with a treat when they go to the bathroom in the right place.

Creating a Potty Area

Creating a designated potty area for your puppy is essential for potty training. This area should be large enough for your puppy to move around and should be located in a place that is convenient for you to access. The potty area should preferably be outdoors, but if you do not have access to an outdoor area, you can create a potty area inside using artificial grass or puppy pads. Make sure to place the potty area in a quiet area that is free of distractions, such as toys and other pets.

Reinforcing Potty Training

Reinforcing your puppy's potty training is essential for success. Whenever your puppy goes to the bathroom in the right place, make sure to reward them with plenty of praise and a treat. This will help your puppy understand that they are doing the right thing and will encourage them to continue going to the bathroom in the designated area. Additionally, you can use a bell at the door to signal to your puppy that it is time to go to the bathroom. You should also avoid punishing your puppy for accidents in the house, as this can lead to confusion and can damage the trust between you and your puppy.

Monitoring Your Puppy for Signs of Bladder or Bowel Issues

It is important to monitor your puppy for signs of bladder or bowel issues. If your puppy is having accidents in the house, it could be a sign of a medical issue such as a urinary tract infection or constipation. If your puppy is showing signs of a medical issue, you should take them to the vet to be checked. Additionally, you should watch for signs of stress or fear, which can cause your puppy to have accidents in the house.

Consistency and Patience are Key

Potty training your 8 week old puppy can be a challenging but rewarding process. It is important to be consistent and patient with your puppy and to remember that it will take time for them to learn. If you stick to the potty training schedule and reward your puppy for going to the bathroom in the right place, you can be sure that your puppy will eventually learn how to go to the bathroom in the right place.


Potty training your 8 week old puppy is an important part of early puppyhood and should be started as soon as possible. Creating a potty training schedule and a designated potty area is essential for success, and reinforcing your puppy's potty training with praise and treats will help them understand that they are doing the right thing. Additionally, it is important to monitor your puppy for signs of bladder or bowel issues, and to be consistent and patient with them during the potty training process. With the right approach, you can be sure that your puppy will eventually learn how to go to the bathroom in the right place.
